Animal Jam Item Recovery

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Animal Jam Headquarters, also known as AJHQ, is the part of NatGeo that runs Animal Jam. They control everything that happens in the game, including any updates, memberships, codes, etc. Kafka ui tool.

There are many reasons why a Jammer might need to contact them, but not everyone knows how to do it. I’ve noticed some Jammers in the comments mistakenly think my website is AJHQ but I am just a blogger. That’s why I made this post to help send players in the right direction!

Here are the ways that you can contact AJHQ about whatever issues you might have with the game. They get a lot of emails so it may take them a while to get back to you.

AJHQ Email Support

This is the email you should contact if you have any issues/glitches with the game, get scammed, or any other in-game problem. Like I said before, AJHQ can be pretty slow at replying though.

If you have any questions about your membership or billing, there is a different email to contact. They can only discuss billing on your account with a parent or guardian, so they will need to help you with this!

Animal Jam Headquarters Address – Where is AJHQ located?

Animal Jam Item Recovery List

A lot of Jammers, including myself, have sometimes wondered where AJHQ is located? Maybe you have some awesome Animal Jam drawings you want to send them or maybe it’s just out of curiosity. For whatever reason you need their address, here it is:

Animal Jam Item Recovery Email

Animal jam item recovery email

Animal Jam
PO Box 3624
Salt Lake City, UT 84110 Daemon tools pro 5.1 0.


Everyone loves receiving letters in the mail so why not send them some fan mail?

AJHQ Phone Number

So if you’ve tried the options listed above and still haven’t gotten the response you’re looking for, the last option would be to try calling them. This is the phone number listed for AJHQ.

Animal Jam Item Recovery Download


Animal Jam Item Recovery Code

I haven’t tried calling it myself but it’s listed on the company’s official business listing so it should work. They may end up telling you to email instead but hopefully they can help you in some way.

Auto key presser for games. Sometimes you might need help before AJHQ has time to respond. If you’re looking for an answer to a question, it may have already been covered at the Animal Jam Help Center. Here you can find answers to some commonly asked questions about the game.

With a major company like Animal Jam, it’s not always easy getting in contact with the right person. I hope this guide has helped and that you’ll be able to get in contact with whoever you need to at AJHQ!

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