What is strange is that the main device page in 3uTools reports all of the information about the phone without fail. So I don't think it is a NAND issue. Samsung Gt-N7100 Hang Logo E:failed to mount/efs Fixed Samsung Galaxy Gt-N7100 Note 2 Hang Logo Fixed Solved Problem Only 2 Min Efs. 3utools Request Shsh 2; 3utools Unable To Request Shsh; Two hackers have created a tool that they claim can bypass Apple’s ‘Activation Lock.’ It’s called ‘doulCi, and it uses a man-in-the-middle attack to intercept users’ Apple ID credentials as well as unlock devices disabled by the highly-lauded security feature. Nov 29, 2017 My iPhone 5c wont flash with 3uTools as it comes up with. ERROR: Unable to restore iDevice(-1). Its at 80% on updating baseband. With iTunes it says. Press spacebar and type –t, then press spacebar again. Drag your SHS2 blobs file and then press spacebar. Type in –latest-sep—latest-baseband, and then press spacebar. Now, drag your IPSW file. Press enter and wait for your device to restore. For the latest on iOS 13, check out our article right here.
All users can rely on this helpful tool. As the device is connected to 3utools, click on the Flash & JB menu; from there, click on the Jailbreak menu. Use below button and download latest version of 3uTool Support iOS 8.4.1 jailbreaking for 32-bit iDevices. With latest version of 3utool you are able to jailbreak your iPhone/iPad without revoke or application crashing issue. Again, it is rumored that Pangu jailbreak tool for iOS 10.3/ iOS 10.3.1 could be released next week. 3uTools is a program which makes it possible to jailbreak different Apple devices running iOS including the iPhone.. Mar 29, 2019 Step 1: Connect with 3uTools, click jailbreak iOS 12 from Flash&JB section. There will be no complications or complex instructions to use this software. After first installation and providing jailbreak everything worked. Secondly, change USB on the computer and USB cable connecting iDevice and the computer. If jailbreak is stuck at 30%, firstly check whether background programs are preempting CPU resources by observing task manager on the computer. Firstly, it will verify the firmware, if you choose an unmatched firmware for your iDevice, it will give you a reminder that this firmware is not compatible with your iDevice. This is not confirmed, so let us stay on the lower iOS firmware version. Welcome to 3uTools forum. This is the best and useful tool that can provide all the problem solutions. But they can not do as the device is restricted. Try to change the usb cable, confirm the network connection. To turn off Find My iPhone, go to Settings > iCloud. 3uTools V2.20 (2018-02-27) Add support to resize the program interface. Step 1 Download the EtasonJB jailbreak IPA file using the direct download link given above. Within a few mouse clicks, 3uTools Latest Crack will be installed on the computer. We will be using this utility to install this IPA file on our iOS device. It was caused by computer. If you still need some Swinub XL candy to take your Shadow Mamoswine to level 50, here's your opportunity. In my opinion, this is the best opportunity for iPhone users to get full control over their devices. With 3uTools full view of the different statuses of iOS devices, including activation, jailbreak, battery and iCloud lock status, and detailed iOS and iDevice information. Take a look at the picture below; from there, click on the Run Jailbreak button at the bottom to start the process. The iPhone user sometimes needs to modify or change something on their iPhone. 3uTools - Help you install Phoenix. 3utools Flash Iphone 4s Case. With 3uTools Full Crack for Mac, there are many paid apps are freely available. Here is the question will arise in all the users that why people want to jailbreak their device. Then appeared message from Uncover App about license revoke. In addition to jailbreaking software, 3uTools also performs iOS file and data management functions. . How to download- 3uTool - And - install 3uTools- FUll For IOS All. To turn it off, go to Settings > Passcode. It means passcode on your iDevice is turned on. # -1105 it may be caused by antivirus software. In the process of iOS 8.1.3-iOS 8.3 jailbreak, if jailbreak failed and error messages appear, you can follow instructions below for the meanings of codes and solutions. There is no need for any type of installation configuration. Nov 09, 2017 3uTools-Forum. But clever jailbreak developers have made the goal. The app could crash or just seem stuck. All the tools and functions in Download 3uTools 2.38.010 Crack are placed in such a way that they can be easily accessed from the main windows. If the jailbreak failed, you can also use this new tool to jailbreak your iDevice: IPA Signature All you can do is use the program to jailbreak your device to disable the iCloud activation key. 【-1004 Three conditions of jailbreak failure】. # -1004 Three conditions of jailbreak failure. Install unc0ver jailbreak with 3uTools . ”Now you can jailbreak iOS 9.2-9.3.3 using PanGu jailbreak tool. Fix the issue that some iDevices fail to restore to iOS 11.3 beta. #FixBootloop #LIKEANDSHARE restore With 3uTools 13.3.1 open checkra1n 0.9.2 & jailbreak after jailbreak bypass With Shiftkey or another tools. The iPhone user will enjoy the IOS as the Android facilitate their users. This is because to achieve the security goals. If jailbreak is stuck at 40%, firstly check whether background programs are preempting CPU resources by observing task manager on the computer. But sometimes you’re faced with the need to bypass Apple’s security-oriented iCloud Activation Lock and 3uTools luckily comes in handy at that too. Use certified cables. It's believed that Swinub will leave us for a while except for special events. The program's main usefulness comes from the fact that it can flash different versions of Apple's firmware to the phone.Flashing tools can be found in the program under the 'More' tab under 'Firmwares'. 14:53:32 Flash is failed! Afterward, 3uTools will start installing the jailbreak tool 'unc0ver'. Therefore, we highly recommend avoiding this fake jailbreak. 3utools Unsigned Ipsw 4 Feb 03, 2018 Step 4 Open the IPSW file with 7Zip and transfer the following files to FutureRestore’s folder. Step 2 After the jailbreak tool is downloaded, hit on the 'Start Remove' button. Please try on another computer. This tutorial is mainly introducing how to upgrade your iPhone to iOS 10.1 beta1 using 3uTools. (Delete ios 12 OTA update files if available). Ios users who like to customize their idevice using beyond the Apple app store install cydia apps need to jailbreak their i-device. Dec 22, 2016 Jailbreak/Restore/Update Apple Devices Using 3uTools to the Last IOS Hi tech. It is possible that the Unc0ver app keeps failing to jailbreak your device. To Any iOS Version With SHSH Downgrade iPhone 5 / iPad 4 From iOS 10 -10.3.3 to iOS 8.4.1 Can We Downgrade iDevice to An Unsigned iOS Version after We Jailbreak? 3uTools does not support this function yet. Download Phoenix without a computer (Online Method) or download and sideload Phoenix IPA to your iPhone or iPad with Cydia Impactor (Computer Method)iOS compatibility : iOS 9.3.5 , iOS 9.3.6. For more latest updates or supports, follow us on, -1004 Three conditions of jailbreak failure, -1105 it may be caused by antivirus software. The advanced tools also offer the user to set the advanced feature. You can reboot the device to confirm. If you have any iOS flash & jailbreak issues, please post your problems on 3uTools for iOS Users. 3utools Firmware Verify Fail Online IDevice need to be verified when you flash it using 3uTools or iTunes. This will install easily and in a minimum without having any type of difficulty. The user can easily manage their IOS device with. Tap the developer name and trust the certificate. How to jailbreak your device with 3Utool? Additionally, the extra thing that is required for firmware flash. So, here is a simple answer to that question. Also, he knows all the facts about jailbreaking the devices. How to Jailbreak iOS 12 – iOS 12.1.2 Using 3uTools? If Apple has stopped the signing of … I suggest saving it right to your desktop for quick access. How to Jailbreak iOS 10.0 - 10.2 Using 3uTools. Like the user can change the partition size. It is very easy to check the possibility to jailbreak your iphone ipad with 3utools. So don’t get missed the latest. Nov 18, 2019 3uTools is an easy way to manage your iOS apps, multimedia files, ringtones, and more. Fix some bugs. Don't do anything on your iDevice during jailbreak and keep it plugged in. Extrarecipe+yalux jailbreak is not working on my iPhone 7, how do I fix it? We can say that this is the all in one pack solution. Here is the step by step guide of jailbreak iOS 11 - iOS 12.4 using 3uTools. This software has an easy installation procedure. Before this was not possible. as you know Checkra1n is a permeant, checkm8 exploit based jailbreak tool. 3u tools are used to compatible iOS firmware. And then just follow the tips to continue your operations. Please try after turning off it. This Xig team continuously tweeted that they are going to release Xig jailbreak tools for iOS 10.3.X. I have been reading things like 'Replace the NAND', but … Furthermore, this software supports all types of firmware. This is that the user must know the information about flashing firmware. *After installation done you have to verify it. How to Jailbreak iOS 8.4.1 Using 3uTools? *It will start installing jailbreak tool unc0ver. So, anyone can install this handy tool on their computer. 7 posts. Section 1, Update & Wipe your iPhone: 3utools … Secondly, change USB on the computer and USB cable connecting iDevice and the computer. Please try on another computer. Again, it is rumored that Pangu jailbreak tool for iOS 10.3/ iOS 10.3.1 could be released next week. It means your iDevice is disconnected from the computer during jailbreak. 3uTools allows you to jailbreak your iPhone with an appropriate jailbreak tool for your iOS version. Connect your iPhone device to the PC; Launch 3uTools app and Click Flash & JB; Select. 3uTools can manage files, download apps / wallpapers / ringtones, flash, jailbreak, Thanks for visiting. 【 -1001 device disconnected】 It means your iDevice is … IOS jailbreak is now possible with 3uTools. This is the biggest fake Jailbreak news ever found. Error -1 on 3uTools may be caused by USB cable connection, network and baseband. Downgrade IOS 12.1.1 With 3Utools. Open 3utools and connect your i-device via USB cable. Optimize Data. This is the best choice for those are looking for a solution about Flash Firmware or Jailbreak. Tools/downloads needed: iOS 6.1.3 for iPhone 4S - 965 MB, direct from Apple’s servers. Without this, you won’t be able to launch the unc0ver jailbreak app on your iPhone. Therefore, they have to bypass the restrictions. Step 1 Download Cydia Impactor utility from here.Step 2 Download the IPA file using the direct download link above.Step 3 Drag it onto Cydia Impactor’s window.Step 4 Impactor will now ask you to enter your Apple ID details. How to Jailbreak iOS 11.4 - iOS 12.4 on 3uTools. As usual you should have the latest version of 3utools software because the 3utools team always step forward developing the software than we expected. Download 3utools. Also, if the new version is not like then simply return to the old version with some clicks. Now, there is no any type of restriction. You can download and install them on the device. Wish you have a good day. 3uTools Product Key is just simple like a Flash software that flashes the firmware. Jailbreak using 3uTools. 3utools Jailbreak Failed 3utools Not Working Jailbreak Download Apr 26, 2017 So there is no jailbreak tool available for iOS 10.3 and iOS 10.3.1 at present. In such a case, you need to close the Unc0ver app, clear all app cache, restart your device, turn on Airplane mode, and then try to jailbreak your device again. Click“Install' -> enter power-on password. Seasons change in one week at 8am local time next Monday. Today’s discussion is about how to Jailbreak iPhone with u3Tool. Go to Cydia install failza & succession open failza go to usr/share/Firmware.Copy Wifi Folder to pc & copy firmware pc to mobile paste succession Folder ipsw. Jul 10, 2019 3utools for the 1st time failed to do what I asked. Re-download the jailbreak tool, and make sure you have a good internet connection. How to Jailbreak 32-Bit iOS 10.X Using 3uTools? So, the user can change the firmware form version to another. Head over to Settings- General - Device Management. The Bottom Line In this post, we introduce what 3uTools iCloud unlock is and how to bypass iCloud activation with 3utools. You can reboot the device to confirm. How to Jailbreak iOS 11.0 – iOS 11.4.1 Using 3uTools? *After done jailbreak tap on OK to reboot. Its downgrades apple devices to make them usable. Download 3uTools Key can do both tasks easily. Here you can find all information about iOS and 3uTools. 3u Tools is just a technical term used for a collection of useful iOS tools (for restoring settings and Jailbreaking). While the iOS 10 does come with a lot of brand new features that most of us cannot wait to try out, those user installed iOS 10 have already reported a number of issues. According to the ios pioneers ios 12.4 was hoped not to be jailbreakable. This article is mainly introducing the most common problems (frequently asked questions) and related detailed solutions on iOS9.2-iOS9.3.3 jailbreak tool. Hello, you can use cydia remover or cydia erasier to do a fresh. Download phoenix jailbreak. Trunk Or Trea Chili Cook Off Flyer Download, Cooking Mama 2 Dinner With Friends Rom Download, Professional Cooking 6th Edition Download, Http Dev.virtualearth.net Rest V1 Locations C, What Note In Auto Tune Does Roddy Ricch Use, This Mac Does Not Support Boot Camp Mojave, A lot of free application and wallpapers offered by 3uTools Crack for Windows, Freely download and install them to your device, You change from one firmware to the other easily, The user can also configure the advanced features of the device, With this tool, the partition size of the device can be changed, iTunes drivers are optimized in the latest version, Download the software setup file from the given below link, Save the RAR file and if Anti-Virus shows some error then simply disable Anti-Virus, Extract the RAR file and Install the Software as Trial Version, Close the software and also exit from the Taskbar, Now Open the 3uTools License Key and Generate Keys, Put the Product Key and Click on the Activate, Your Software has cracked to the Full Version, All the Tools are accessible as the Paid Version. Beehind v0.5 – this is used to pre-jailbreak iOS 6.1.3 and then downgrade your device to it. 3uTools v2.01 iOS Flash & Jailbreak Tools Setup,3uTools v2.01 Latest Setup Download, Apple has released iOS 10.1 Beta1, some Apple users are eager to experience it. Support iOS 11.0-11.1.2 jailbreak. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Apr 26, 2017 So there is no jailbreak tool available for iOS 10.3 and iOS 10.3.1 at present. How to Jailbreak iOS 8.4.1 on iPhone, iPad, and iPod. There were many errors. 3uTools 2.38.010 Full Crack for [Mac/Windows] Latest Key 2020. If error still exists, you would need to change the baseband. If you want to bypass your iCloud account on your device, you can use other applications, such as data management applications. It failed to do a downgrade and entered recovery mode. * Then click on Run Jailbreak at lower raw. 2017-04-24 5254 Posted by 3uTools In the process of iOS 8.1.3-iOS 8.3 jailbreak, if jailbreak failed and error messages appear, you can follow instructions below for the meanings of codes and solutions. You need to buy applications and wallpapers. In this guide, you will not only learn how to download and install 3uTools for iOS, but also. also, it supports all the iOS versions including newly released iOS 14.2, iOS 14.3 versions. They they have released public the jailbreaking tool named unc0ver jailbreak 12.4. ios 4.x / ios5.x jailbreak ios9.2 – ios9.3.3 jailbreak, ios5.1.1 / 6.x / 7.x jailbreak ios9.1 – 9.3.5 (32bit) jailbreak, ios 8.0 – 8.4.1 jailbreak ios 10.0 – 10.3.3 jailbreak, ios9.0 – ios9.0.2 jailbreak ios 11.0 -ios 12.1.2 jailbreak. One is flash the firmware and second is the Jailbreak. In a while, the software will remove the activation lock and let you get into your iCloud locked device. Jailbreak Failed On 3utools 12.4 Ios Ipsw Connect your device to computer/laptop, navigate to Flash & JB - Jailbreak - iOS 11.4 12.4 Jailbreak, and click Run Jailbreak. No extra information or need to see the tutorial to install and configure this tool. If the jailbreak is stuck at 50%, it may be caused by antivirus software. Was this answer helpful? Step 2: Trust Certificate. Now there are 2 ways to do so. (This is red) 14:53:32 Flash and jailbreak of apple device, please visit official website of 3uTools 14:53:32 Elapsed Time: 00:00:57 Unable To Request Shsh 3utools Anyone have any ideas? now you can easily jailbreak your device by using checkra1n jailbreak with the support of the 3U tool. Step 2 Download Cydia Impactor from this link. The same 3uTool is also used to unlock disabled Apple devices. It can be divided into 3 different situations: It was caused by computer. Mar 10, 2020 3uTools is a completely free all-in-one tool for flashing and jailbreaking your iOS device. Xig Team iOS 10.3.x Jailbreak. However, Spring Jailbreak failed to complete the jailbreak process. 3utools Failed To Deactivate Windows 10 Step 3: Install it on iDevice. Hi guys, i have some issue with app installig now. Semi-untethered iOS 9.3.5 Jailbreak on 3uTools. The user interface is very clean and well managed that everyone can use this easily. 3uTools V2.19 (2018-1-12) Support jailbreaking 32-bit iDevices running on iOS 9.1-9.3.5. Page 1 of 1.
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Recently, many iOS users complained that there is an annoying unknown error 3503 in iTunes, which stop them from restoring and updating. In fact, Apple isn’t made a full explanation of iTunes error code 3503 yet.
On 3uTools, the error is “Unable to request SHSH”. And on iTunes, it is an unknown error (3503). After we tested and researched, our developer team find out that this issue may be caused by Apple server. As a result, users can not restore their iDevices using iTunes or earlier versions of 3uTools.

3u Team try our best to solve this issue as soon as possible. And finally, we released a new version of 3uTools, V2.16 to fix this.
#Update log of V2.16 3uTools
Fix the error unable to request SHSH while restoring.
Support flashing iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus.
Fix a bug that iPhone 6s and 6s Plus fail to downgrade back to iOS 10.3.3 from iOS 11.
3utools Unable To Request Shsh
3utools Request Shsh Online
1. Please click “Check Update” at the right bottom of 3uTools, and then update to the latest version of 3uTools, V2.16.
2. Then you can restore on 3uTools. Please check the network connection and USB connection before you easy flash on 3uTools.
The reasons of the error “Unable to request SHSH”

1. It could be the network problem. Please check the network to see if it is available.
2. The iOS version you want to restore may be closed by Apple, please check.
3. If you try the above solutions but still meets the same error, then please update to latest version of 3uTools and try to restore again.
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