My own item file pack -'s Item File Pack (.d2i) Diablo 2 Download. Minecraft accounts and passwords. Here you can find downloads for the official Diablo 2 game, as well as the popular mode PlugY. Diablo 2 Original Download. Change paper size microsoft onenote. Diablo 2 is available for download for free, even on the official Blizzard Sites. Install PlugY v10.00 2. Take all of the PlugY Files out of /Diablo II/Mod PlugY/ Folder, and Place in your /Diablo II/ Main Root Folder. Delete Game.dll and D2Client.dll before Installing D2SPEM 1.6 Full, This Will Allow the /128 Players Command. (Remember Backup Folder is Created for These Files in your /Diablo II/ Root Folder.) 4. Feb 24, 2021 How to Install PlugY for Diablo 2 version 1.14d (or any version, really) As usual, the PlugY files being in your Diablo 2 folder may risk you getting banned if you connect to the even without PlugY loaded. As such, you should have a separate installation for PlugY if you also want to play on
Not applicable for Median XL Sigma.Median XL 2017 1.3.1 PlugY and D2SE
Start with a fresh install
- Using the download links in this thread You will download the and LODPatch_113c.exe.
- Extract the folders Original and Expansion and install them directly on to your C: drive accordingly. (This makes the folder easier to find and you don't have to deal with User Account Permissions)
- Run the LODPatch_113c.exe to update Diablo II to 1.13c.
Now to download/install D2SE
- Download the D2SE installer D2SE_V2.2.0.exe from and run it.
- Set the install destination to C:Diablo II if it was not set already.
- Accept the defaults for the next three windows by hitting Next. Then hit Install.
- Finish and close the D2SE Modmanager.
If you are only using 1.13 and/or Median XL you can save space on your hard disk (Only about 50 Mb) and declutter the D2SE Interface by navigating to C:Diablo IID2SECORES and deleting all folders EXCEPT1.13c.
Next download the Median XL files for D2SE
- Download the files for D2SE,, from
- Extract the files from into the C:Diablo IIMODS directory.
(The readme will tell you to do this AND also extract the mod files to the same folder)

- Download the Median XL 2017 files from
- It will download the file
Installing Plugy Diablo 2
.- Extract the files from to C:Diablo IIMODSD2SE - Median XL and replace the files in the destination if prompted.
Now to start the game
- Open D2SE.exe from your Desktop and you can see Median XL.
- Select Median XL and within the Display options DDraw and Glide will work inside and outside windowed mode. Select your preferred display options.
- In the System features MAKE SURE Use PlugY is also selected.
- To start the mod double click the MEDIAN XL banner or click on Start Plugin at the top.
If you start the plugin and nothing happens..
Plugy Diablo 2 1.14d
- Right click on the D2SE.exe icon on your Desktop and select Properties.

- In the Compatibility tab, check the box under Compatibility mode labeled 'Run this program in compatibility mode for:'.
- From the drop down under the check box choose Windows XP (Service Pack 3).
- Hit Apply and OK.
- Run D2SE.exe again and start the plugin with MEDIAN XL selected and it should work.
Feel free to ask any questions and i can try to help. Good luck out there!