Tnt Software Manual Install

'TNT Email Virus' removal guide

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What is 'TNT Email Virus'?

'TNT Email Virus' is one of many spam email campaigns that is used by scammers to trick people (email recipients) into opening malicious attachments. Cyber criminals use email attachments (or web links) to proliferate high-risk viruses - in this case, the LokiBot virus. The main purpose of these spam campaigns is to trick people into opening the link (and downloading the attachment) by presenting it as a legitimate message. Some examples of other similar email campaigns include Thanksgiving Email Virus, CitiBank Email Virus, and IRS Online Email Virus.

Scammers send the 'TNT Email Virus' email to thousands people. They claim to be team members of TNT (a legitimate international courier delivery services company). This spam campaign is used to trick people into believing that a parcel could not be delivered in person due the wrong address having been supplied. Recipients are encouraged to click a link that will supposedly download and print a receipt required to receive the parcel. This is a scam used to infect computers with a virus. If clicked, the link downloads a high-risk LokiBot virus designed to record data such as logins and passwords (mostly in web browsers), and tracks users' browsing activity, and so on. Having a computer infected with this virus might result in various privacy issues or even financial loss. This infection can also be used to proliferate viruses by sending malicious executables to users' contacts lists. If installed, this virus can be identified as a 'Delivery Note - AWD (sequence of numbers)' process in Task Manager (see screenshot below). Do not click the link within the 'TNT Email Virus' email - simply ignore this spam email. If, however, you have already clicked it, immediately scan the system with a reputable anti-virus/anti-spyware suite and eliminate all threats.

Threat Summary:
NameTNT delivery notification virus
Threat TypeTrojan, Password stealing virus, Banking malware, Spyware
SymptomsTrojans are designed to stealthily infiltrate victim's computer and remain silent thus no particular symptoms are clearly visible on an infected machine.
Distribution methodsInfected email attachments, malicious online advertisements, social engineering, software cracks.
DamageStolen banking information, passwords, identity theft, victim's computer added to a botnet.
Malware Removal (Windows)

To eliminate possible malware infections, scan your computer with legitimate antivirus software. Our security researchers recommend using Combo Cleaner.
▼ Download Combo Cleaner
To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for Combo Cleaner. 7 days free trial available.

Spam campaigns are used to proliferate high-risk viruses such as LokiBot. Examples of other infections are FormBook, Adwind, TrickBot, and AZORult. In most cases, these viruses are designed to steal sensitive information related to logins, passwords, etc., or to spread other infections (such as ransomware). The data is used by developers to generate revenue. These viruses cause privacy/browsing issues and other similar problems. We strongly recommend that you remove these viruses as soon as possible.

How did 'TNT Email Virus' infect my computer?

These spam email campaigns are used to proliferate infections through malicious attachments (or links that download attachments). In this case, 'TNT Email Virus' contains a link that leads to download of a malicious file. Once downloaded and opened, this attachment installs the LokiBot virus. If the attachment is a Microsoft Office document, it asks to enable macros commands (viruses cannot be proliferated unless macros are enabled). If the attachment is an archive file, it must be extracted, and if an executable file, it must be executed, and so on. I.e. users must trigger the infection manually.

How to avoid installation of malware?

To keep your computer safe from infections that are proliferated through email attachments, carefully analyze the email. If an email is received from a suspicious/unknown address, or it seems irrelevant, do not click the link or download the attachment. Have reputable anti-virus/anti-spyware software installed and enabled. These programs can detect viruses before they can do any harm. Browse the web and install applications with care. Careless behavior and poor knowledge are the main reasons for computer infections. Caution is the key to safety. If you have already opened a 'TNT Email Virus' attachment, we recommend running a scan with Combo Cleaner Antivirus for Windows to automatically eliminate infiltrated malware.

Text presented in the 'TNT Email Virus' email message:

Subject: TNT | Express Shipping

Delivery Notification PARCEL NO: TNT5025T

At the request of the shipper. R torrentlinks ableton live 10 r2r.

Your parcel has arrived at our office. Our courier was unable to deliver the parcel to you due to wrong adress from our customer.

To receive your parcel, please visit any of our nearest office and show this receipt.

Please click the attachment to download and print receipt.

Best Regards,
TNT Internetional

All rights reserved by TNT Holdings B.V © 2016

Screenshot of a LokiBot virus process ('Delivery Note - AWD (sequence of numbers)') in Windows Task Manager:

Another variant of TNT spam email:

Text presented within this email:

Subject: TNT Express delivery Consignment Notification


Dear Customer,

A shipment has been arranged for you via TNT.

The shipment is scheduled for delivery MARCH 28th, 2020 and has TNT consignment number: 213596003.


Pieces : 1
Weight : 0.5 KG
Shipment reference : Invoice # 10623-24
Description : document
Download Attachment for invoice and full shipment details.

This message and any attachment are confidential and may be privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure.
If you are not the intended recipient, please telephone or email the sender and delete this message and any attachment from your system.
If you are not the intended recipient you must not copy this message or attachment or disclose the contents to any other person.

Please consider the environmental impact before printing this document and its attachment(s).

Another example of TNT-themed spam email spreading malware:

Text presented within:

Subject: TNT Import Clearance – Consignment : #9066721066 is now under clearance process.

Dear Customer,
A shipment has been arranged for you through TNT

The shipment has been scheduled for delivery and has TNT consignment number: 9066721066.
Attached is the documentation that relates to this Express Import Order
Print and sign all copies of the consignment note.

Note: For shipments outside of the EU, it is highly recommended to include the actual invoice of the goods.

- Make sure you have read the TNT Terms & Conditions attached to this email. By signing the consignment notes, you confirm that you agree to the TNT Terms & Conditions.

- Hand the signed copies of the consignment note to the TNT Express driver, keep the Sender copy for your records.

- Leave the shipment open for TNT Express driver to inspect.

As your order has been processed automatically, it is not necessary to contact TNT Express Customer Service by telephone.

If you would like to find out about the many ways TNT helps you to track your shipment, or if you would like to know more about the services provided by TNT, simply connect to and select your location at any time.

This message and any attachment are confidential and may be privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure.
If you are not the intended recipient, please telephone or email the sender and delete this message and any attachment from your system.
If you are not the intended recipient you must not copy this message or attachment or disclose the contents to any other person.
Please consider the environmental impact before printing this document and its attachment(s).
Print black and white and double-sided where possible.

Instant automatic malware removal:Manual threat removal might be a lengthy and complicated process that requires advanced computer skills. Combo Cleaner is a professional automatic malware removal tool that is recommended to get rid of malware. Download it by clicking the button below:
▼ DOWNLOAD Combo CleanerBy downloading any software listed on this website you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for Combo Cleaner. 7 days free trial available.

Quick menu:

  • STEP 1. Manual removal of LokiBot malware.
  • STEP 2. Check if your computer is clean.

How to remove malware manually?

Tnt Software Manual Installation

Manual malware removal is a complicated task - usually it is best to allow antivirus or anti-malware programs to do this automatically. To remove this malware we recommend using Combo Cleaner Antivirus for Windows. If you wish to remove malware manually, the first step is to identify the name of the malware that you are trying to remove. Here is an example of a suspicious program running on a user's computer:

If you checked the list of programs running on your computer, for example, using task manager, and identified a program that looks suspicious, you should continue with these steps: Steam controller not working in game.

Download a program called Autoruns. This program shows auto-start applications, Registry, and file system locations:

Restart your computer into Safe Mode:


Windows XP and Windows 7 users: Start your computer in Safe Mode. Click Start, click Shut Down, click Restart, click OK. During your computer start process, press the F8 key on your keyboard multiple times until you see the Windows Advanced Option menu, and then select Safe Mode with Networking from the list.

Video showing how to start Windows 7 in 'Safe Mode with Networking':

Windows 8 users: Start Windows 8 is Safe Mode with Networking - Go to Windows 8 Start Screen, type Advanced, in the search results select Settings. Click Advanced startup options, in the opened 'General PC Settings' window, select Advanced startup. Click the 'Restart now' button. Your computer will now restart into the 'Advanced Startup options menu'. Click the 'Troubleshoot' button, and then click the 'Advanced options' button. In the advanced option screen, click 'Startup settings'. Click the 'Restart' button. Your PC will restart into the Startup Settings screen. Press F5 to boot in Safe Mode with Networking.

Video showing how to start Windows 8 in 'Safe Mode with Networking':

Windows 10 users: Click the Windows logo and select the Power icon. In the opened menu click 'Restart' while holding 'Shift' button on your keyboard. In the 'choose an option' window click on the 'Troubleshoot', next select 'Advanced options'. In the advanced options menu select 'Startup Settings' and click on the 'Restart' button. In the following window you should click the 'F5' button on your keyboard. This will restart your operating system in safe mode with networking.

Tnt software manual installation

Video showing how to start Windows 10 in 'Safe Mode with Networking':

Extract the downloaded archive and run the Autoruns.exe file.

In the Autoruns application, click 'Options' at the top and uncheck the 'Hide Empty Locations' and 'Hide Windows Entries' options. After this procedure, click the 'Refresh' icon.

Check the list provided by the Autoruns application and locate the malware file that you want to eliminate.

You should write down its full path and name. Note that some malware hides process names under legitimate Windows process names. At this stage, it is very important to avoid removing system files. After you locate the suspicious program you wish to remove, right click your mouse over its name and choose 'Delete'.

After removing the malware through the Autoruns application (this ensures that the malware will not run automatically on the next system startup), you should search for the malware name on your computer. Be sure to enable hidden files and folders before proceeding. If you find the filename of the malware, be sure to remove it.

Reboot your computer in normal mode. Following these steps should remove any malware from your computer. Note that manual threat removal requires advanced computer skills. If you do not have these skills, leave malware removal to antivirus and anti-malware programs. These steps might not work with advanced malware infections. As always it is best to prevent infection than try to remove malware later. To keep your computer safe, install the latest operating system updates and use antivirus software.

Tnt Software Manual Installer

To be sure your computer is free of malware infections, we recommend scanning it with Combo Cleaner Antivirus for Windows.