N.B. From Firmware 5.9.1 and 6.2.2 onwards. This Configuration is not supported by SonicWall, please contact us for any issues with the configuration.
Vpn Gate Client

You can use NetExtender to set the policy and the static route for a client. You can modify it based on what your client needs or can access. You have good control over routing.' 'SonicWall can be difficult for some people, but I don't find it difficult. Some companies provide a VPN client for free, but you have to pay for NetExtender.' Mar 07, 2021 Alternate Mac Vpn Client For Sonic Wall Amy Wilson 09:52PM With VPN tracker Company Connect software Only matching 157 route Add 157 0 0 0 MASK 255. Learn about the best SonicWall VPN Clients alternatives for your Virtual Private Network (VPN) software needs. Read user reviews of Cisco AnyConnect, FortiGate, and more. On my new laptop that has the current version of Windows 10, when I connect to a client via SonicWall Global VPN Client, my internet DL speed drops to 0.25. It stays that way, even when I disconnect, until I forcibly remove it (Right click/exit in system tray, for example).
Koukou gurashi. 1. Enable SSL VPN on both the WAN and LAN Zones and set up the rest of the SSL VPN settings as normal see link below.
2. Create an Address Object for the Public IP to use
3. Create an Address Object for a Dummy LAN Network (make sure it is in the LAN Zone)
4. Create the following NAT Policy using your Public IP and Dummy LAN Network. On TZ appliances replace ‘X0 IP’ with ‘LAN Primary IP’
5. Create the Following Firewall Rule from WAN to LAN; create any addition rules needed from SSLVPN to any other Zones i.e. SSLVPN to DMZ for all traffic needed. Ensuring the Enable Management is enabled.
6. Now Connect with SonicWall Netextender or SonicWall Mobile Connect
7. Showing Netextender Routes
8. Pinging machines on both Networks
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Category:SonicWall Technical Guides
Vpn Client For Sonicwall
Tags:sonicwall ssl vpn