Antares Complete

Antares Complete AU VST RTAS TDM OSX INTEL Antares Complete AU VST RTAS TDM Latest 04.2010 OSX INTEL Team: XVX Date: Size: 56,32 MB This bundle includes 15 plugins of Antares. Auto-Tune EFX - The quickest, easiest, most affordable tool for real-time pitch correction and creating the. Coveralls over long-sleeved shirt and long pants, chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material, and shoes plus socks. Store product in original container only, away from other pesticides, fertilizer, food or feed. Store in a cool, dry place and avoid excess heat. The material and content contained in the Greenbook.

  • Tune in to RFD-TV Live TONIGHT at 7 p.m. CST to learn more about Antares Complete, Helena’s new multi-powered soybean herbicide that will make its debut.
  • Apr 23, 2014 Review: Antares AT-200 Auto-Tune Complete Pack Software. Back in the January 2013 issue of GW, we took a first look at the Peavey AT-200 Auto-Tune guitar. In less than a year, Antares, the company behind the AT-200’s built-in Auto-Tune software technology, has significantly upgraded the system’s available features and ease of use with a.
  • Mon, Dec 21 – 8 PM ET 7 PM 6 PM 5 PM – After four years of research and laboratory development, Helena's multi-powered soybean herbicide, Antares Complete, will make its debut on farms across th.

The Complete Dronescourge


Or ‘A complete guide to the Nexus articles relating to The Dronescourge Returns and the Virai’. Included here are:

  • Overview of the Antares supplement The Dronescourge Returns
  • Starship Corridor/Deckplan PDF download
  • The Dronescourge and Antares Day 2018 scenarios
  • Articles on Taskarr, the Virai, T.O.R. 563, Privateers and more in the Background section
  • A summary of the Starter Swarm
  • Fiction on the events leading up to the Ghar Exiles fleeing in The Taking of TOR 563 and City of Exile
  • Reports from the Antares Day 2018: The Taking of Taskarr

All the links to what you want to know about the The Dronescourge Returns in one place!

The Dronescourge Returns

Animation composer. A long-forgotten threat returns to Antarean space, causing havoc and the collapse of IMTel-protected star systems. The Virai Dronescourge have returned!

Along the Northern Interface border between the two great IMTel nations, whole star systems are dead or dying, their inhabitants and nanospore wiped up by… what? A resurgence of the Chryseis shard? The Xilos collapse? Local operatives are sent to investigate: for the Isorians, it is wily Drone Commander Xan Tu; for the Concord, the NuHu Intelligence Mandarin Jai Galeyous. The source of the devastation appears to be the wreck of a vast, ancient starliner in the newly-emerged system of Taskarr. Their investigations are compromised by the presence of a fleet of Privateers and an army of exiled Ghar living on the ship, but what they discover is worse than they could have imagined, the resurgence of a deadly, ancient threat, one thought long-since destroyed – the Virai Dronescourge.

The Dronescourge Returns is a complete campaign supplement for the Beyond the Gates of Antares game. Focusing on forces from the PanHuman Concord and Isorian Senatex, it also includes the new forces of the Ghar Exiles and the Freeborn/Boromite Privateers. The campaign can also be played with any forces or combination of forces that the participants wish to use.

Studio one 4 templates. Included in this supplement are:

Antares Complete
  • Six new narrative scenarios in a campaign set within the vast starliner or within the ruined arcologies of the planet, Taskarr.
  • Campaign rules designed to link the games together in a flexible format.
  • A new, all-drone army – the Virai Dronescourge, with unique rules, weapons and capabilities.
  • Army lists for the ragtag Privateers/Salvageers and the resource-starved Ghar Exiles.
  • New units, environmental factors, hazardous fauna and rules for fighting aboard ship and in similar, enclosed environments such as the ruined arcologies in ancient cities or starships. Included are rules for breaching weapons, setting explosives, dealing with corridors, breaking down obstacles, walls and doors, and dangerous corridor turret drones.
  • New units, weapon and weapon rules, including the specialist fractal demolitions and breaching cannon (DBC), the Isorian phase-shift projector, fractal charges and breaching kit for Boromite, Freeborn and Algoryn engineers, Krasz assault troops for the Concord, and a breaching mode for existing weapons such as the eponymous plasma lance, disruptor bomb and tractor maul.
  • Three new characters for The Dronescourge Returns campaign and a new foe: Concord NuHu Intelligence Mandarin Jai Galeyous and her panhuman, Vyess bodyguards; Privateer ‘Admiral’ Taras Kalemon and his Boromite and Freeborn bodyguard; Ghar Exile Commander Shaltok; and the command drone of the Dronescourge hive aboard T.O.R.563, a Virai First Instance.

Dronescourge is also available in PDF format.

Spaceship Corridors Download

Scenario 2 in The Dronescourge Returns contains rules for a mini-game that involved building your own deckplan and corridor layout. The tiles for this can be found in the PDF below – download, print and cut out for your own use! Gm navigation disc 2012.

Antares Complete Pack

Virai Faction Page

Antares Complete Herbicide Label

On the Nexus, the Virai have their own faction page, from which all the articles on their individual units and weapons can be accessed.



These are in addition to those in the supplement, these are written especially for the rules and background in The Dronescourge Returns. The Antares Day scenarios waiting for material are Coming Soon.

  • Virai First Contact, a variant on the rogues drones scenario specialised for chasing down newly-discovered Virai using the Virai First Contact pack on the webstore
  • Search for the Hive – An Antares Day scenario for armies of 750 to 1500 points intent on hunting down a hive.
  • Rapid Transit – An Antares Day scenario for armies of 750 points+ intent on defending or destroying a strategic structure.
  • Coming Soon: Decaying Orbital – An Antares Day scenario for two forces of 600 or 750 points stranded aboard a wreck of a ship about to explode!


There have been a number of background articles produced, some containing information from The Dronescourge Returns, some expanding on that to give more data on the way the Virai think and operate.

Starter Swarm

Antares Complete Label

There is a Starter Swarm available containing the core units a Virai force would need. There is a Starter Swarm article which highlights its contents and gives suggestions as to how it can be used.


There are two main storylines leading up to The Dronescourge Returns and the conflict that forces Ghar Commander Shaltok and his troops into Exiles on the run, so sparking the whole Virai problem.

Taking of TOR 563

  • Taking of TOR 563 Characters – also includes characters for City of Exile

City of Exile

Antares Day 2018

The Antares Day 2018 was called ‘The Taking of Taskarr’, a themed, faction league based on The Dronescourge Returns and the Taskarr system. In addition to the scenarios outlined above, there are two reports from the day.

  • The Antares Day Report, including results, pictures and what went on.
  • Gary Martin’s ‘A Road Trip to Taskarr‘ report on using the Virai on the day!