Steam What Does Clear Cache Do

Should I clear my cache regularly? In general, I recommend not clearing your cache unless you have a specific reason to. The files in the cache allow the websites you visit most often to load faster, which is a good thing. For those small cache files, you can leave them along for deleting them won’t help much. Rated article: How to Use Space Analyzer? How to Clear Cache in VRChat App? In VRChat, open the Settings menu. In the top right, click the Advanced Settings button and select Clear Download Content Cache. Step 2 – Verify Gaming Cache Steam Verify gaming cache is the number one step in order to re-install complete fresh files of the newest version of Football Manager. Re-installing fresh files of Football Manager will not break your save, as it will be fully playable after verifying gaming cache. Since the cache stores non-essential files (that is, files that are not 100% needed for the correct operation of the app), deleting it should not aversely affect the functionality of the app. From your Steam Client, open the Settings panel by selecting 'Steam Settings' from the top left client menu. In the Settings panel, select the Downloads tab and you'll find the 'Clear Download Cache' button at the bottom. Then select 'OK' to confirm and acknowledge that you'll need to login to Steam again.

If your web development team has ever made a change to the files that comprise your live website, they may have asked you to “clear your cache” afterwards.

Burger shop 2. Well, what the heck does that mean?

(Editor's note: Updated July 2014 with new instructions.) Convert cdr to dmg disk utility.

What is my 'cache' and why should I clear it?

Any sophisticated website you visit is actually a composition of dozens, hundreds or even thousands of files. Even websites supremely optimized for speed are likely loading tons of files at once to display content in your browser.

Browsers try to do their part to speed up the loading process. The first time you visit a site, your browser will “save” pieces of the site. Because your browser can display the files stored in its cache much faster than it can pull fresh files from a server, the next time you visit that site, the use of cached files will help cut down page load time.

It sounds like cache is a good thing, why have you asked me to remove those saved files?

Many times web developers have to make updates to the files that comprise your site in order to push a change or new feature live. If we change a file that your browser has cached, it’s going to keep serving the old, cached version of the file and you won’t see our most recent change. That’s why we ask you to clear your cache.

How do I clear my cache?

The process of clearing cache differs from browser to browser. Generally speaking, look for an option to delete cache or temporary files in your browser’s administrative settings.

Instructions for clearing cache in Internet Explorer

If you have Internet Explorer 9 or 10 click the gear icon in the top right.

  • Go to Internet Options.
  • On the General tab under Browsing History, select 'Delete.'
  • Select only 'Temporary Internet Files.'
  • Click the 'Delete' button.

In Internet Explorer 7 or 8:

  • Go to Tools > Internet Options.
  • On the General Tab under Browsing History, select 'Delete Files.'
  • Delete Temporary Internet Files.

Instructions for clearing cache in Firefox

  • Go to Tools > Clear Recent History or Clear Private Data.
  • Select only “cache.”
  • For “Time Range to Clear,” choose 'Everything.'
  • Select 'Clear Now.'

Instructions for clearing cache in Chrome

What Is Clear Download Cache Steam

  • Click on the Settings button in the top right of the browser. (It looks like a wrench or three horizontal lines).
  • Select Clear Browsing Data. (In later versions of Chrome, go to Tools > Clear Browsing Data).
  • Select only 'Empty the Cache.'
  • In the dropdown that reads 'Obliterate the following items from' select 'the beginning of time.'
  • Click the 'Clear Browsing Data' button.

Instructions for clearing cache in Safari

  • Go to Develop > Empty Caches.

Looking for a shortcut?


If you’re a fan of using keyboard shortcuts to get around, Control, Shift, Delete (for Windows) or Command Shift Delete Denon heos app. (for Mac) will open the configuration pane to clear cache in any browser.

What do I do after I’ve cleared my cache?

Remember, after clearing your cache in any browser, refresh the page you are viewing so your browser has a chance to grab the fresh files.

[photo credit: Ervins Strauhmanis via photopincc]


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Submitted by Mark Figart on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 11:09am

Say, I'm diggin' that keyboard shortcut. Not something I had taken the time to figure out myself. Thanks!

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This article is written for The Sims 3. For the equivalent Sims 2 article, click here.

  • 1Refresh caches, indices, and thumbnails

Refresh caches, indices, and thumbnails

These are temporary files that are saved by the game to make loading certain information faster. If these files have incorrect or corrupted data, it may prevent your game from loading. The game will regenerate fresh copies of these files each time it loads, so deleting them is perfectly safe, and it's normal for them to reappear.

When you delete any or all of these files, as their nature is to regenerate, the next time you load Launcher or the game may take a bit longer as all these files need to be refreshed. This is normal and is by design.

Do them in order as follows, one by one and then, test. If that doesn't work, carry on with the second, and then test, and so on.

Cache Files

  • To delete your cache files, navigate to The Sims 3 in DOCUMENTS folder.
  • Inside, will be a number of cache files. Delete any or all of these files you have. Yes, they would be re-generated when you next start Launcher or the game, that is by design.
If you have installed or do activities related to remove
CAS parts that appear in Create-A-Sim CasPartCache.package
New objects that would appear in Buy/Build mode compositorCache.package
Mods or Hacks scriptCache.package
New Sims, default skins simCompositorCache.package
Simport-related (maybe?) and other social data, if you use the wall to integrate with your MyPage on site socialCache.package

Launcher files

These files appear to be some sort of index or cache repository for the Launcher. If it gets corrupted when Launcher or the game crashed, then the next time you try to start Launcher or load the game, they would either stall and never completely loads, or crash again.

Filename Location
missingdeps.idx DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe SimsDCCache
dcc.ent DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe SimsDCCache
  • DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe SimsDownloads
  • DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe SimsSigsCache
Downloadedsims.index DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe SimsSavedSims
*.* DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe SimsIGACache


  • To delete Thumbnails files, navigate to The Sims 3 in DOCUMENTS folder.
  • If you installed a CAS-part or Buy/Build mode object, or anything that has a thumbnail picture, sometimes it is necessary to force the game to refresh its Thumbnails cache.
  • One of the patches also introduced In-Game-Advertising to thesims3 Store, and so EA introduces the FeaturedItems folder.
  • Delete ALL files inside these folders. They are like the caches above, and would be re-generated fresh if they are removed.
Filename Location
*.package DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe SimsThumbnails
thumb_*.png DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe SimsFeaturedItems


Optional, for Windows only - do NOT do this on a Mac.

  • To delete WorldCaches, look inside the WorldCaches folder (if you have one) and delete these files inside that folder.

Don't worry if you don't have a WorldCaches folder, or if it's empty - some people have WorldCaches and some don't - it just means that you do not have Riverview, other new worlds, or the new Create-a-World tool installed.

What Does Steam Clear Download Cache Do

OS X users, please read this post on why this is a bad thing.

Steam What Does Clear Cache Do To Make

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